A downloadable game for Windows

Aiuta un bambino a superare le proprie paure, dentro una misteriosa caverna dove l'oscurità farà da padrona!

Una volta giocato il gioco, se hai voglia di darci un parere e qualche consiglio puoi farlo tramite il sondaggio qua sotto, il tuo parere conta molto per noi!
Sondaggio: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfbklMFKQF16CkfSkBK52sxWFjBQhRIAXph2gSQ...



-Luca abbruzzi: Leader, Level designer, Coder

-Davide Porpora: Coder, Animator

-Emanuele Moretti: Concept artist, Tecnical artist

-Mattia Rossi: Audio designer

-Giovanni Franceschelli: UI designer, UX designer

Nessun Asset usato


NSD.zip 29 MB


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good game dev :D i hope you enjoy my gameplay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4icgFv-VDsI&feature=youtu.be

Thank you so much, we really appreciated it! It's usefull to se how people react to our games and where they have more problems 

Would you like to tell us you favorite and least favorite parts? 

Hope you enjoyed 


Glad you liked it i liked the mechanics of darkness it's cool that darkness everywhere and you light the path but it's too short